Sunday, May 31, 2009

My First Micro-Fiction

My first M.F...
Here goes nothing!!!

His stupidity was seen in his results.
He failed.
He looked at the top student.
A smug look on his face.
In jealousy,he charged at the top student.
No response.
A punch,a kick and he fell.
The victor looked at him and sighed,"both dumb and weak."

Sunday, May 3, 2009

My blogging experience

I don't have much to say about my blogging experience.Though other people's opinions may differ,I feel that blogging is a great way to do our work,after all,many teenagers tend to like to use computers and incorporating schoolwork into something we all enjoy does make schoolwork more fun.Also,blogging is a great way to express our own views and opinions to the entire world without being scared of what other people think of us.It is a haven for us to pour our hearts out.However, one flaw that i feel about blogging is the RBP.I,of course, understand the importance of it as rules are meant to restrict us and prevent us from breaking the rules.However,I feel that it is limiting what we can do.With all due respect,I can't help but feel that it might be more effective to write a diary.Also, the very thought that if you type one swear word in anger,someone could use it as evidence against you,and this could be traced back to the school.So,I suggest us using this blog only as a school blog and any other seperate blogs we might have must not be linked to any of our blogs.

Confessions of a game addict

     I was hooked the moment I started the game.I was a game addict and warcraft was always my favourite.I could play on hours at an end.Of course,my mother never turned a blind eye to this.On the contrary, she often nagged at me, telling me not to get addicted.And of course,like all game addicts,I simply said,"I'm not addicted."
     I never paid much attention to my mother's incessant nagging at me to stop playing.Until that day i was called into the office of my teacher.In my assignment,I had put the name "Zeus,God of Thunder" and the whole paper was a mess of doodlings of warcraft heroes.It was then that I was convinced that i was seriously addicted.I then created my quiting plan.
    I got my mother to put a password on the computer so i could not use it without her knowing.Still,i could not forget the game.It was the nicotine in a cigarrette and i was drawn to it like a siren song.It took alot of straining to make sure that i did not play.To distract me from playing,I also got out for movies or to exercise with my friends.I even went to malaysia with my friends for a three day mass eat-out.We turned the entire city upside down and no restaurant or hawker could escape me.When I went back,I no longer have the urge to play anymore.Instead, i got hooked on eating.
     But at least it's not a unhealthy habit.Now my mission's accomplished,french fries anyone?